Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sour Cherry Éclairs (Pretty in Pink)

To everybody a big thank you for the nice words and I have looked at all of your blogs and replied to each of you in your blog. The results are so interesting from green tea and bean curd éclairs to the traditional chocolate on chocolate éclairs. Of course a lovely Spanish blogger also did savoury smoked salmon éclairs. I really like the very different ways that you all have handled this challenge.

The various blogs I visited went from the purely educational (eat4fun) to the heartbreaking (mary) and everything in the middle. Some are beautiful beyond the ordinary (tartelete or flagrantedelicia) or peopled by newbies like me (Delicioso Mama) everybody is so varied and interesting.

I'm so lucky to fallen in such a lovely group of bloggers. Thank you everybody for the comments. Yours XXX Audax Artifex

Daring Baker's Challenge

This was my first Daring Baker's Challenge and I was swept up in the excitement of the group. What would the first recipe be I waited for the email from Ivonne and Lisa to arrive with the entry details to the forum.... It came at last.... I hurried to the website and to my joy it was éclairs. Something I always wanted to do but never have done.

Chocolate Éclairs (Yum Yum in my Tum Tum I thought) what a delight to have this as my first challenge. It was organised by the lovely Tony and Meeta. Using a recipe from Chocolate Desserts by Pierre Hermé. And what a strange recipe half water and half milk this was new and how would it taste I thought.

And we had a choice we could have one chocolate element either the glaze or the filling. (Or both was fine also). What to pick there are so many great combinations mint, blood orange, coffee, and after thinking about it for a while I thought why not Sour Morello Cherry filling with a dark chocolate glaze for the éclairs.

As you can see the results were excellent! The éclairs were crisp hollow and held the filling and glaze without going soggy. I was delighted and so were my friends.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first challenge! And what a Grand debut you made!!!! Cherry and Chocolate great combo!!!!

Brownie said...

Congrats on your first challenge! Sounds fabulous! I love sour cherries!

Cristine said...

Awesome first challenge! I love the color of the filling. Cherry and chocolate... YUM!

Anonymous said...

Great job - the filling looks amazing! Congratulations on your first challenge!

Thank you for the very nice comment you left on my blog. Hearing from such nice people really lifts my spirits!

Vera said...

I love the filling choice - very original!
Congratulations on the first completed challenge and welcome to DB!

Anonymous said...

I loved stuffing.
Welcome, excellent work.

Anonymous said...

they look beautiful! I love that pink.

fanny said...

love the flavour combo you picked.itr must have been so so good!
xx fanny

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Welcome to DBs. Congrats on your perfect pink eclairs and your new blog, too.
Pink and chocolate looks beautiful.

Shelby said...

What an awesome filling. Great first challenge!

Marija said...

Welcome to the BDs! Very creative filling. Great job!

Eat4Fun said...

Congratulations on completing your first challenge!

Your eclairs look great! Plus you tried a different filling! Cherry is very yummy!

Also, thanks for posting the eclair making tips and being active in the forum. :-)

Mcwhisky said...

Gorgeous shots you have! The eclairs are prettily done up and love the combo - sour cherries and chocolate!

CookiePie said...

Congrats and welcome to the DBers! Your eclairs look amazing -- and sour cherry, that's inspired!

Libby said...

Oh my goodness, so tasty!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first challenge. Now, five hundred to go! ;)

Those are some pretty ritzy eclairs you've got there. Love, love, love sour cherries and my tastebuds are working overtime imagining the tang from those beauties...

Alpineberry Mary said...

You did a great job on your first challenge. Sour cherries and chocolate are a great combination.

hexe said...

Welcome to DB! Your cream filling looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Daring Bakers! What fabulous looking eclairs! They're so pretty with the cherry filling. Oh, what I'd give for a taste!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on a beautiful job! Wow, you went all out with that grand filling! Nice way to begin your "Blog Life!" Keep in touch :)

Lunch Buckets said...

So pretty! Pink is my favorite pastry flavor :) Welcome to the group.

Unknown said...

Great job! You would think that you were an expert blogger. Keep it up! I love the colors.

Anonymous said...

I love cherries and chocolates in combination. Very nice take on the DB challenge.

Jacque said...

Mmm, those look so cute with the pink filling. Love 'em!!

P.S. Welcome !

Anonymous said...

I've discovered this blog through a comment you left on mine! Congratulations on your first challenge!!!

Now I'm anxious about your next posts...

Amber said...

Oooh...sort of like a black forest cake, yummy. And this is your first project, congratulations!

silverrock said...

OMG, sour cherries! I can't believe I didn't think about doing that... I love sour cherries :) Way to go on your first DB challenge, the eclairs look fantastic and I'm sure they tasted even better

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your eclairs look wonderful! I like the sour cherry filling you made. Nice alternative!

Pat in NY

Audax said...

To everybody a big thank you for the nice words and I have looked at all of your blogs and replied to each of you in your blog. The results are so interesting from green tea and bean curd éclairs to the traditional chocolate on chocolate éclairs. Of course a lovely Spanish blogger also did savoury smoked salmon éclairs. I really like the very different ways that you all have handled this challenge.

The various blogs I visited went from the purely educational (eat4fun) to the heartbreaking (mary) and everything in the middle. Some are beautiful beyond the ordinary (tartellete or flagrantedelicia) or peopled by newbies like me (Delicioso Mama) everybody is so varied and interesting.

I'm so lucky to fallen in such a lovely group of bloggers. Thank you everybody for the comments. Yours XXX Audax Artifex

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Thanks for the question -- I made by eclairs mini -- bite size, that was how I was able to amke about 60 of them :-) I had to feed a lot of people at the party and it was the only way to ensure everyone had at least one!

Anonymous said...

I just love your flavor choices! Beautiful, stunning, delicious! Welcome to the Daring Bakers!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the compliments! You helped me pick out my flavors and answered some questions for me in the beginning... Thank you! I think your pictures are also wonderful. Sour cherries make my mouth water, oh I wish we could all taste them! Congratulations on a job well done!


Helene said...

Youd did a fantastic job on the challenge! Love the pink and the cherries!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I have nominated you for an award..yup, nutin' like jumping right into the frying pan! Look on my blog for the info :)

Anonymous said...

RE: comment on my blog:
Uh, okay, you ARE brillant!! Haven't "known" someone so smart...I think you could have a very interesting blog on your ideas...I am a VERY simple person, but I found it interesting...there are LOTS of pics on the internet that would go with your thoughts...I am thinking of Da Vinci's "man" illustration...see I don't know what it's really called, I just find it interesting!
This blog, even with your first post, was detailed informative AND intersting! That's why I thought of you for the nomination...too, I have read your posts on DB and you are always insightful, helpful and I guess I carried that over to this blog. Sorry I don't know more about this "award" thing...lil' 'ol me is just happy somebody thought of giving me! 'Course, bribery with sweets is NOT above me :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those look amazing! I love the flavor combination and I bet I would have LOVED your eclairs.

My Yummy Life

Ruth said...

Your eclairs are amazing. I love the sour cherries and the color is fantastic

Anonymous said...

Are you by any to Switzerland for the semi-conductor thingy ???? Be sure to pack some dessert!!

PAM said...

Wow! Love your combination. Pink is my favorite color and it looks so stunning with the chocolate. Nice flavor combination. Welcome to the DB's.

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