Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Spinach and Cheese Pie

One dish I like to have on picnics is spinach and cheese pie it is easy and delightful cold or hot. The photo shows a large pie that uses double the quantities in the recipe. Notice how high it is and it looks great on the picnic table.

Spinach and Cheese Pie

Ingredients (Can make one large pie by doubling quantities)
8 Sheets Fillo Pastry
1 bunch spinach
2 medium onions finely chopped
1 bunch of shallots finely chopped
¼ cup oil
400 grams ricotta cheese (or combination of ricotta and feta cheese)
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
Melted butter

1.Fry finely chopped onion and shallots until translucent.
2.Remove stalks from spinach, triple wash and drain until completely dry.
3.Cut spinach and stalks (optional) into small pieces and place into separate pan over low heat and wait until spinach has wilted.
4.Cool spinach for a few minutes and then drain by squeezing spinach in your hands until completely dry.
5.Beat ricotta cheese, eggs, salt, pepper and oil in a separate bowl and then add onions, shallots and chopped drained spinach. Mix well until combined.
6.Layer a medium sized pie plate/dish turning each layer 45 degrees with seven sheets of fillo pastry, buttering every layer with melted butter. Make sure that you overhang the fillo pastry over the edges of the pie plate/dish.
7.Place the mixture on top of the layered pastry and place the last sheet of buttered fillo pastry over the mixture. Fold in the overhanging ends.
8.Brush the top with melted butter and bake in a preheated moderate (180C/350F) oven for about 45 minutes or until golden brown. (For large pie bake about 55 minutes).

Variation to use when eating cold
Add 2 tablespoons of sweet chilli sauce, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, ½ tablespoon hot chilli sauce.


Eat4Fun said...

Delicious looking spinach and cheese pie!

Spinach, cheese, butter and a layers of crispy phyllo dough sounds like a winner and a hit at parties!

Reminds me of the Greek dish... which I can't seem to remember the name of...

Anonymous said...

Eat4Fun - Spanakopita is Greek for spinach and cheese pie - it's a close approximation, it's a recipe from a Greek friend.

Anonymous said...

Looks so nice and flaky -- Phyllo dough scares me, though. (Not trying to rhyme on purpose there).

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Pie! And Pictures!

Great job :)

Anonymous said...

I love your collection of recipes! There are so many I want to try! I've never tried or even seen a spinach and cheese pie, but I want to!

I would love to write about your pie on our blog! If you are interested send me an email at haley@keyingredient.com

Haley, KI Blogger

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