Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 2010 DB challenge - pavlova

This month's challenge was pavlova American style. I say this because the challenge recipe produces what in Australia is called a meringue. I did the challenge recipe but I also included the classic Down-Under (Australian and New Zealand) pavlova version and recipe also.

The challenge is primarily based on a recipe from Chocolate Epiphany by Francois Payard and is called Chocolate Pavlovas with Chocolate Mascarpone Mousse.
Recipe Source: Chocolate Epiphany by Francois Payard

The June 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Dawn of Doable and Delicious. Dawn challenged the Daring Bakers’ to make Chocolate Pavlovas and Chocolate Mascarpone Mousse. The challenge recipe is based on a recipe from the book Chocolate Epiphany by Francois Payard

Chocolate Coffee Hazelnut Pavlova Roll
This challenge is close to the heart's of bakers from Down Under (Australia and New Zealand), pavlova is the national dessert for both countries. I had all the ingredients in the refrigerator and I had made crème anglaise for another dessert I was making so this challenge was a breeze. I have made literally 100s of pav's and they are always a great hit at the end of a dinner party. Usually pavlovas Down Under are decorated with whipped cream and fruit (passion fruit, kiwi and strawberries) so it is nice to have a challenge using another decoration. I have several children's parties to do this month so I thought I would do a pavlova roll (as a change) for the adults attending – I followed the recipe but used a Swiss (jelly) roll pan to make the pavlova, to make a roll just bake for about an hour that way the meringue is set but no crust is formed so you can roll it easily with the mascarpone cream and mousse filling.

The essence of a pavlova (at least Down Under) is that the inside must be light as possible like marshmallow the crust is thin and crisp and it is decorated with fruit and whipped cream.

I flavoured the mousse and the outside of the roll with cocoa powder, good quality instant coffee, brown sugar and hazelnut meal.

The meringue in the roll is very soft and paired with the flavoured mousse and mascarpone cream really makes for a rich, wonderful and tasty dessert. For children leave out the coffee you really don't want to have caffeine in a dessert for children at a party where there is already enough sugar and stimulation to have very energetic kids running about madly.

I'm very pleased with this pavlova roll the first I have made it was so soft and the texture was so light and the flavour was intense.

Chocolate Coffee Hazelnut Pavlova Roll – it looks so pretty and elegant. Maybe some mousse curls with hazelnut meal on top would make it look smashing.

The cut pavlova roll – the pavlova is the dark chocolate coloured layer, the mousse/mascarpone cream filling is the light brown layer. Notice how soft the roll is perfect for children.


Strawberry and passion fruit pavlova shells with homemade white chocolate mascarpone
I decided to do fruit flavoured pavlova shells I did strawberry and passion fruit – I used powdered fruit powder to colour and flavour the meringue (I used 1/3 cup of powder for each batch). Then I made homemade white chocolate mascaropne this was so delicious it had the perfect balance between of sweet, tart and mouth-feel so so yummy.

To make the fruit meringue shells I used all glucose syrup instead of caster sugar and icing sugar - this makes of an absolutely smooth shell when baked and makes the meringue more stable also I used finely strained 'fruit' tea powder found in the health food section of the supermarket. Use a coffee grinder to make a very fine powder first then strain again to get a fine powder like corn starch.

To form the shells I made a 'gig' using cardboard and thumb-tacks to form the circular shape. And to pipe them I used two piping tips a big flat shaped one to do the bases and then I used a large flat serrated tip to make the rim, if you use the 'gig' on a Lazy Susan you can get the same looking result (almost identical) every time. I used coloured thumb tacks to start and end at the same place when piping which gives a very professional look. Also I have a professional grade oven which goes down to a very low temperature that is steady and constant which helps to make the meringues crisp without browning.

Strawberry and passion fruit pavlova shell – these smelt wonderful while baking and really had a very very strong flavour

Homemade white chocolate mascarpone

Finished pavlovas
Kiwi, fig and white chocolate mascarpone swirls with passion fruit palvola shell

Passion fruit topping with passion fruit pavlova shell

Fig topping with strawberry pavlova shell

Classic Down Under Pavlova
I had to do a classic Australian pavlova for this challenge. It is astounding that using the same base recipe with slightly different techniques can you achieve totally different results. Viz-a-viz the challenge recipe as stated gives what is called meringues in Australia they are dry and crunchy all the way through while the Aussie pavlova has a very thin crust that is dry and crisp while the inside is soft and chewy like the lightest marshmallow you have tasted – this amazing difference is achieved by making just a few simple changes in the method for making the challenge recipe.

Basically you make one giant meringue cake, preheat the oven to 200C (395F) and immediately once the meringue is in the oven lower the temperature to 95C (205F) and bake for about 1¾ hours.

Use a 8” (20cm) x 2.5" (60mm) springform cake tin without a bottom as a container to hold the whipped egg whites. I used 6 egg whites and 1 1/3 cups of castor sugar, add and beat one tablespoon of sugar into the egg whites until all the sugar is dissolved this takes about 12 mins.

Remove the springform cake tin and you will have one giant uncooked meringue.

Preheat the oven to 200C (395F) then immediately lower the oven to 95C (205F) and bake for 1¾ to 2 hrs, you can test readiness by tasting a teaspoon of the cooked meringue from the top (don't worry you will not notice the small hole caused by the testing) if it doesn't taste of egg then the pavlova is ready. Turn oven off and let the pavlova cool in the oven until room temperature. It is normal to have a few cracks on top these will be covered with the topping so will not be seen and it is normal for the crust to be lightly browned. The initial high temperature makes for a thin crisp crust while the low temperature ensures the interior is soft and fully cooked.

Cover the top of the pavlova with whipped cream or similar I used homemade white chocolate mascarpone cheese with cream.

Then decorate with fresh fruit make sure the pattern is arranged so that slicing the pav will be easy.

What is the texture of a classic Australian pavlova – thin crisp crust and a soft chewy marshmallow inside. You should be able to hear a crack from the crust when you slice the pav.

You should be able to poke the soft marshmallow interior with your finger and it should leave a hole.

And you should be able to cut it cleanly however thin the slice is!

Some tweaks that can be used to make the perfect pavlova
Most recipes for the classic pav include the following (I didn't use these in the above since I was showing how slightly different techniques can give vastly different end results)
1. Addition of 1 tsp of cream of tartar - helps stabilize the egg whites
2. Addition of 1 tsp of white vinegar - help makes for a chewy soft interior and crisp crust
3. Addition of 1 tablespoon of cornflour - stops the egg whites from weeping when cooking and stops excessive cracking of the crust and helps stabilize the final pavlova

Here is the recipe for Classic Australian Pavlova

Classic Australian Pavlova
Cooking time about 1¾ hours
Ingredients (serves 8)

* 4 teaspoons cornflour (sometimes called cornstarch in the U.S.)
* 6 egg whites
* 1 teaspoon cream of tartar (or ½ teaspoon of salt)
* 1 1/3 cups caster (superfine) sugar or normal granulated sugar (if using U.S. cups add extra one tablespoon of sugar)
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1 teaspoon white vinegar
* 200ml (about ¾ cup) pure cream
* 250g (1 cup) fresh fruit and berries

1. Preheat oven to 200°C (395°F). Dust lightly with 1 teaspoon cornflour a sheet of baking paper place on a baking tray. Place a 8” (20cm) x 2.5" (60mm) springform cake tin without a bottom as a container to hold the whipped egg whites on the floured baking paper.
2. Using an electric mixer on the highest setting, beat egg whites and cream of tartar (or salt) in a narrow deep bowl until soft peaks form (using a narrow deep bowl ensures the beaters are well into the whites and will build up the greatest volume). Add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating constantly until thick and glossy. Add remaining 3 teaspoons of cornflour with the last tablespoon of sugar. Dissolving the caster sugar should take about 10-12 mins if using normal granulated sugar about 15 mins. (Test mixture by feeling a small amount of the meringue between two fingers if it is grainy beat longer.) Fold through vanilla and vinegar.
3. Spoon meringue into the springform cake tin. Shape the uncooked meringue using the springform cake tin as a guide into one giant meringue. Remove the springform cake tin and place the uncooked meringue cake into the oven. Reduce oven to 100°C (212°F). Bake for 1½ to 2 hours or until dry and crisp, test by tasting a teaspoon of the meringue from the top if it doesn't taste of egg it is done don't worry about the small hole made by this testing it will be covered by the topping. Test at 1½ hours and then every 15 mins until ready. Turn off oven and cool completely in oven (pavlova may sink and crack during cooling).

If you wish you can add some sugar to the whipped cream I recommend this for U.S. bakers I notice most U.S. recipes are sweeter than Australian ones.

You can add up to 1½ cups of caster sugar or normal granulated sugar in the meringue if you wish. Just test a small amount of the uncooked meringue if not sweet enough add more sugar.

You can use normal granulated sugar but it will take longer to dissolve the sugar into the egg whites about 15 mins again test mixture by feeling a small amount of the meringue between two fingers if it is grainy beat longer.

Icing sugar (powdered or confectioners' sugar) doesn't seem to work well with this recipe the interior becomes too dry.

You can make the pavlova when it is raining, high humidity doesn't affect the pavlova shell.

Storage and handling
Unfilled pavlovas store well for 2-3 days in an airtight container on the counter.

Decorate the pavlova about an hour before using and they will be ok for 8 hours so long as it is not too hot (as the cream might go off), I have stored (in the fridge) decorated pavlovas for a day with no problems.

Hints and tips to make the perfect pavlova (from the Australian Women's Weekly magazine)
*When separating the whites from the yolks, be careful not to include even the smallest amount of yolk – the fat content in the yolk will prevent the whites from foaming. Always break the eggs separately into a cup before adding to the bowl for beating.
*Use a small deep bowl to beat egg whites – this ensures the beaters are well into the whites and will build up the greatest volume.
*Make sure the bowl is dry and clean – any greasy residue in the bowl will prevent egg whites from beating up.
*Beat egg whites at highest speed until thick and white, but not dry. When they look glossy and have firm, soft peaks add sugar. If whites are beaten until they are dry, it is more difficult to dissolve the sugar.
*Use castor sugar in pavlovas as it will dissolve faster than granulated sugar.
*Sugar grains can be felt by rubbing a small amount of meringue mixture between fingers.
*Make sure that there are no sugar grains around the top of the beaters or around the sides of the bowl, scrape the mixture down the bowl with a spatula. Keep beating on high speed while adding the sugar.
*Total beating time should be about 10 minutes, to ensure every grain of sugar is completely dissolved.
*Cool the meringue in the oven with the door ajar, if meringue is cooled too quickly it can crack.

Challenge Recipes
Recipe Source: Chocolate Epiphany by Francois Payard

Mandatory items: The recipe is comprised of three parts, four if you include the crème anglaise. You must make the chocolate pavlovas, the mascarpone mousse and the mascarpone cream using the recipes provided.

Variations allowed:

  • You can use orange juice for the Grand Marnier in the mousse if you don’t use alcohol

  • You can omit the sambuca from the mascarpone cream.

  • You may substitute any crème anglaise recipe you might already have in your arsenal.

Preparation time: The recipe can be made in one day although there are several steps involved.

  • While the pavlovas are baking, the crème anglaise should be made which will take about 15 minutes.

  • While it is cooling, the chocolate mascarpone mousse can be made which will take about 15 minutes.

  • There will be a bit of a wait time for the mascarpone cream because of the cooling time for the Crème Anglaise.

  • If you make the Crème Anglaise the day before, the dessert should take about 2 hours including cooking time for the pavlovas.

Equipment required:
• Baking sheet(s) with parchment or silpat
• Several bowls
• Piping bag with pastry tip
• Hand or stand mixer

Recipe 1: Chocolate Meringue (for the chocolate Pavlova):

3 large egg whites
½ cup plus 1 tbsp (110 grams) white granulated sugar
¼ cup (30 grams) confectioner’s (icing) sugar
1/3 cup (30 grams) cocoa powder


  1. Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 200º F (95º C) degrees. Line two baking sheets with silpat or parchment and set aside.

  2. Put the egg whites in a bowl and whip until soft peaks form. Increase speed to high and gradually add granulated sugar about 1 tbsp at a time until stiff peaks form. (The whites should be firm but moist.)

  3. Sift the confectioner’s sugar and cocoa powder over the egg whites and fold the dry ingredients into the white. (This looks like it will not happen. Fold gently and it will eventually come together.)

  4. Fill a pastry bag with the meringue. Pipe the meringue into whatever shapes you desire. Alternatively, you could just free form your shapes and level them a bit with the back of a spoon. (Class made rounds, hearts, diamonds and an attempt at a clover was made!)

  5. Bake for 2-3 hours until the meringues become dry and crisp. Cool and store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Recipe 2: Chocolate Mascarpone Mousse (for the top of the Pavlova base):

1 ½ cups (355 mls) heavy cream (cream with a milk fat content of between 36 and 40 percent)
grated zest of 1 average sized lemon
9 ounces (255 grams) 72% chocolate, chopped
1 2/3 cups (390 mls) mascarpone (don't forget we made this a few months ago - get the printable .pdf HERE)
pinch of nutmeg
2 tbsp (30 mls) Grand Marnier (or orange juice)


  1. Put ½ cup (120 mls) of the heavy cream and the lemon zest in a saucepan over medium high heat. Once warm, add the chocolate and whisk until melted and smooth. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and let sit at room temperature until cool.

  2. Place the mascarpone, the remaining cup of cream and nutmeg in a bowl. Whip on low for a minute until the mascarpone is loose. Add the Grand Marnier and whip on medium speed until it holds soft peaks. (DO NOT OVERBEAT AS THE MASCARPONE WILL BREAK.)

  3. Mix about ¼ of the mascarpone mixture into the chocolate to lighten. Fold in the remaining mascarpone until well incorporated. Fill a pastry bag with the mousse. Again, you could just free form mousse on top of the pavlova.

Recipe 3: Mascarpone Cream (for drizzling):

1 recipe crème anglaise
½ cup (120 mls) mascarpone
2 tbsp (30 mls) Sambucca (optional)
½ cup (120 mls) heavy cream


  1. Prepare the crème anglaise. Slowly whisk in the mascarpone and the Sambucca and let the mixture cool. Put the cream in a bowl and beat with electric mixer until very soft peaks are formed. Fold the cream into the mascarpone mixture.

Recipe 4: Crème Anglaise (a component of the Mascarpone Cream above):

1 cup (235 mls) whole milk
1 cup (235 mls) heavy cream
1 vanilla bean, split or 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
6 large egg yolks
6 tbsp (75 grams) sugar


  1. In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until the mixture turns pale yellow.

  2. Combine the milk, cream and vanilla in a saucepan over medium high heat, bringing the mixture to a boil. Take off the heat.

  3. Pour about ½ cup of the hot liquid into the yolk mixture, whisking constantly to keep from making scrambled eggs. Pour the yolk mixture into the pan with the remaining cream mixture and put the heat back on medium. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens enough to lightly coat the back of a wooden spoon. DO NOT OVERCOOK.

  4. Remove the mixture from the heat and strain it through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl. Cover and refrigerate until the mixture is thoroughly chilled, about 2 hours or overnight.

Pipe the mousse onto the pavlovas and drizzle with the mascarpone cream over the top. Dust with confectioner’s sugar and fresh fruit if desired.

Additional Information:

Wikipedia’s definition of Pavlova

The history of Pavlova


Great video on Youtube – How to Make Pavlova

Another great video that uses whipped cream instead of the Mascarpone cream - Pavlova

One more from Epicurious – Australia Pavlova

Some great photos on Flickr:

La Tartine Gourmand – Red and Orange Pavlova

VROG in Bristol – Birthday Pavlova

Marco Veringa – Pavlova 6 (the fruit on this one is stunning)

Katiequinndavies – Double Chocolate & Raspberry Pavlova

My Food Obsession – Chocolate Banana Rolled Pavlova (something different!)


TaGa_Luto said...

Everything looks beautiful and colorful. Pavlova is in my to do list, i intended to make those tiny ones but w/ the array of pavlovas you've shown here..i'm more into making the rolls now and the "Down Under" version=;) The pavlova roll is similar to a Filipino version, BRAZO DE MERCEDES, don't asked why it's called that coz i don't have a clue=;) but its' basically meringue too, baked and rolled but the filling is custard kind of a flan custard. Good job on the challenge!

Oh,'s saturday 10:30 a.m. here and can't access the link to the recipe yet=;( even if i've logged in, well, i'd have to wait tom. then.

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Think yours must be the first DB post too. You always manage to be at the finishing post first, and in style. :)

All great variations but especially admire the roll, as I know how difficult that can be.
Great work, as always. :)

Barbara Bakes said...

How fun to be one of the first ones to post every time. Another fabulous challenge for you. I'll have to try a large pavlova soon.

Poonam said...

Hi:) love all ur versions,,but my fav would have to be the ones with the fruit flavored shells,,they look lovely!!

Deeba PAB said...

Oh you really take the cake Audax, I mean the pavs! Love them to bits, and now have fruit powders on my wish list. WOW! You've had a pav party here, and I love each one you tried. Pav roll has been on my list to make ever since I saw it on Melangor ... one day!
Well done & cheers!!

FamilySpice said...

Wonderful again! I made a simple pavlova before, but nothing as amazing as all of yours. I didn't realize there were so many versions of Pavlova, nor that it was Australia's national dessert. I will definitely try the different versions! Great job!

Linda McCubbin said...

Nice work with 3 such different variations on the challenge, it seems to be your gift.

I must admit that I am not a great fan of the traditional pavlova, think I have seen too many awful supermarket versions at parties but I am sure your homemade one leaves them in the dust taste wise.

I must try your trick with the fruit teas on something soon.

Sara said...

WOW, Audax, this looks awesome! I especially like the look of the traditional Australian pav with the marshmallow center...looks simply divine! Yum. :)

Ruth H. said...

I love your variety! Those fruit flavored pavlova shells are so beautiful - they would be the hit at a shower, wedding, or pretty much any party! I think I now have to try to make an Aussie pavlova... yours looks so good I want to reach through the screen and take a taste! As usualy, great job!!!

Unknown said...

Great work as ever, Audax! I have to say even as an Aussie, I have never made a pavlova roll. Yours looks wonderful! Is your mousse the challenge recipe? It looks so smooth and luscious! Yes, as you guessed I'm still looking for answers as to what I did wrong with my mousse! Thanks for the nice comments!

Liz said...

Fantastic as always, Audax.

Denise said...

Audax - I'm reading your post as my second Pavlova is in the oven! The first one looked beautiful until I tried to remove it from the silpat and it cracked all over! However, the inside appears very marshmallowy, like a true Aussie/Kiwi version ;-) I strayed, once again, from the chocolate Pavlova recipe provided and went with more traditional. All of your versions are magnificent, as always! Cheers from Coronado, CA

Unknown said...

Every single one of your pavlovas were gorgeous and looked delicious. I just can't get over that hazelnut roll though. I need to learn how to do this. Amazing job, as always!!

Anonymous said...

I must admit....I like my pav pure but you did a great job!

Jenny said...

Wow, stunning as always! I must give the Australian Pavlova recipe a try sometimes, it looks very delicious!
Wonderful job Audax!

Esther said...

Thanks so much for all your info on pavlovas I really loved the meringue your way and plan to try a full sized one very soon.. as in the egg whites are in the fridge!!

chef_d said...

Audax, all your pavlovas look great, but I think my favorite is the chocolate hazelnut pavlova roll...great job!!

shaz said...

Gorgeous and bountiful as ever Audax. Heh, I went on autopilot when baking the challenge recipe, and just stuck my "meringue" in a low oven for a couple of hours and got the true-blue pav anyway :) Didn't even realise that if I followed the recipe to the letter it would have turned out crispy - shows how much I pay attention, oops!

Anonymous said...

Audax, you are such in inspiration for everyone! Beautiful pavlovas, the small ones in different colours are the sweetest pavlovas ever! Next pavlova here will be your roll.



Anna said...

Love the roulade and sweet colours of your little mirangue's sheels :) As always - what a great job!!!

Cheers. Anula.

P.S. Yes, it was quite difficult to do this month's challenge but one has to have some hobbies and take mind of things to keep sane and relax a bit... to have strenght for more 'Baby activities' ;)

Yasmeen said...

Excellent!The rolled one must be difficult of all.Love the fruity touch :D

anchan said...

Goodness, amazing as always! I would love a slice of your pav roll, please! Everything you produce is beautiful - what a talent you are! xxx

Anonymous said...

Love all your versions, but especially the classic Australian pavlova. When you posted the recipe in the forum I printed it out to make it very soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Only Aussies can properly do pavolva! The challenge ones look nice, but I like the proper Aussie style best myself :)

Anonymous said...

They all look amazing! I really want to try the Classic Down Under Pavlova - it looks like a little slice of heaven!

Evelyne@CheapEthnicEatz said...

Such creativity , each one looks completely different from the next. But I have to say the last 'cake' one looks like a giant soft pillow...yum

Chantel Beauregard said...

Thanks for the welcome and nice comment Audax. By the way great name! Talk about having fun with the pavlovas! Yours look great, I will have to try a few more.

Anonymous said...

I think this is your best Daring Bakers post ever. Thank you for the great info on pavlova. I also tried making a regular pav as well as a the challenge recipes.

Chocolate coffee hazelnut pavlova? Oh, wow, all my favorite flavors literally rolled into one.

And the strawberry and passionfruit pavlovas with white chocolate mascarpone mousse are stunning.

sadaf said...

I musyt say you are realy daring.
how can you do all variation for this recipe are amazingly too good

Swathi said...

I love all the version you tried especially with rolled pavlova roll and fruit topped one. They are beautiful and cute. I like the way you post bakers challenge as first in line.

Kat said...

Audax, I think you're wonderful! Thanks for always sharing not just the recipe, but all the ways you've thought to enhance the process and the product.

Now begins the waiting for the next challenge to be posted...

Maya said...

Everything looks fabulous as always! The roll looks particularly good, your technique is great!

DutchBakerGirl said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love the small colored ones. Thank you for all of the info on pavlovas. I had no idea this was Australia's national dessert. :) I can't wait to see more of your posts.

Finla said...

I so much wish once i will be able to do a DB with so much variety. You just rock they way you do the challenge.

Wolf said...

Great job, as per usual! You make us want to try the Australian version now too}:P

Angelica said...

Thankyou SO MUCH, audax, for sharing your classic pavlova recipe. I failed miserably on my chocolate one and turned to yours and loved it. Your amazing with all the variations you made. The colorful pavlova bases you made look adorable, the rolls are out of this world. Great job!

Sinful Southern Sweets said...

As always, in complete awe of your many beautiful versions of the challenge!

sathya said...

Excellent job, everyhting looks delicious and colourful !

Lot-O-Choc said...

Oh wow you definately went all out on this challenge, all of these look extremely delicious and are making me want to make it again hehe!!

Alpineberry Mary said...

You've outdone yourself again Audax! Love all the different variations especially the roll.

Renata said...

Audax, All your variations are stunning. You showed all daring bakers so many variations and how creative you can be. Love your colored minis and specially drooled over the rolled version, I will try that one soon! Thanks for sharing the recipe of the traditional fruit pavlova, which I have used successfully and published on a different post. Thanks for your lovely comment on my post! said...

Audax, I really loved your colorful fruit pavlovas! I bet I would adore them! I liked my plain pavlova without chocolate but I bet the passion fruit ones were amazing! I need to get my hands on some of that powdered fruit!

Cakelaw said...

I am keen to try the rolled version - it looks scrumptious.

Mary said...

Great variety of pavlovas! I love the classic Australian-style one, but I had fun playing with this challenge too. I love your small fruit flavoured meringues--they look crisp and delicious.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog.It is such an honor to have the distinguished Audax Artifex stop in AND leave a favorable comment. I had thought earlier today that I need to check out your blog sometime and the time has presented itself. Always impressed by your creations! You are the only person that tempted me to try offals - but a trip to Australia is not in my near future. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I love the fruit meringues! Do you have a recipe for them? And could you please tell me how you shaped them so well? I saw some pre-made fruit meringue shells in a sydney deli that look very similar and I'd also love to re-create them. Thanks!

Elizabeth said...

your knowledge of the pavlova is very impressive! thanks for sharing.

Chef Dennis Littley said...

wow.....I am just blown away by all of yoiur incredible desserts....your mastery of Pavlova is just amazing!!
thank so much for all your hard work!

Audax said...

To make the fruit meringue shells I used all glucose syrup instead of caster sugar and icing sugar - this makes of an absolutely smooth shell when baked and makes the meringue more stable also I used finely strained 'fruit' tea powder found in the health food section of the supermarket. Use a coffee grinder to make a very fine powder first then strain again to get a fine powder like corn starch.

To form the shells I made a 'gig' using cardboard and thumb-tacks to form the circular shape. And to pipe them I used two piping tips a big flat shaped one to do the bases and then I used a large flat serrated tip to make the rim, if you use a 'gig' on a Lazy Susan you can get the same looking result (almost identical) every time. I used coloured thumb tacks to start and end at the same place when piping which gives a very professional look. Also I have a professional grade oven which goes down to a very low temperature that is steady and constant which helps to make the meringues crisp without browning.

If you have any other questions please ask.

Unknown said...

I must try your Pavlova with fruit. It looks absolutely delicious. The chocolate did not do it for me :( I must be going crazy to even say that.
I'm happy that my son has shown interest in cooking. I will finally will be getting a man cooking in the kitchen, unfortunately my husband is of no help except for doing dishes (which I don't mind). Take care until the next challenge :)

Faery said... be here as first visitor I had to come yesterday,right?.
Audax you are awesome I love all these pavs but the rolled pavlova is getting me carazy it is so beautiful and yummmmmy :9
The recipe we make at home is the Australian one....I discovered it today ha ha ha

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Amazing job Audax! I love that roll, it's so unusual and clever! :D

Anonymous said...

You went crazy on the pavlova! Great job on this month's challenge. Your individual fruit ones look simply delicious

Karen | Citrus and Candy said...

I love your pavlova. Such a classic and exactly what a pavlova should be. Awesome stuff.

Anonymous said...

I *love* the little nests, they'd be perfect for something for Easter too. What a great job :)

Jamie said...

Stunning! And that classic pavlova is perfect and I will be trying your recipe. But that chocolate coffee hazelnut roll has stolen my heart! Fabulous! The flavor combo is my favorite and the presentation is just wonderful! Always perfect!

ClumsyChemist said...

I love that you made so many delicious varieties! They are all beautiful...I'm going to have to try the passion fruit one for sure.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

As always, you outdid yourself! Everything looks fantastic! I particularly like that roll...



Nachiketa said...

So totally fabulous...... :) The variations make my heart skip a eat r two...
You're such an inspiration.....

The Variable, Crazy Over Desserts - Nachiketa
Catch me on facebook @ Crazy Over Desserts

dailydelicious said...

Your Pavlova are great (I mean all of them ^^).
I love the classic one too, the inside is look so soft and cottony. Well, have to try it someday.

Valérie said...

Audax, it all looks so pretty! I especially love the colourful little nests! I didn't know there was an Australian pavlova. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and fantastic job on this challenge!

Evan B said...

You always have such great posts for DB Challenges! I was so happy you made a comment on mine :) I think I'm going to have to try your Aussie pavlova- it reminds me of something my Oma makes..I don't know how you do it.. one dessert took up enough time for me and you made 3! well done!

Oggi said...

I will try to make the pavlova roll which BTW looks almost exactly like the Spanish Brazo de Gitana.

I love the small meringues. They look beautiful and yummy.

Baker at Law said...

Audax you always rock out the challenge 1) super early and 2) with tons of variations. Your photos are lovely and truly enable me to appreciate eatting with my eyes. Great job!

tartasacher said...

Thank you very much, Audax. I'm glad you like. Great, great your Paulova. Is very, very good and very, very nice.

But everything went wrong in the hospital, my mother is dead. I'm so sad that I have no words.

Fabi said...

You're so sweet Audax, thank you so much for your visit and for the encouragement. Regarding your multiple pavlovas I couldn't tell what's the best, each one of them is a master piece. You're my hero! Big hug, my friend.

tartasacher said...

Thank you Audax. My mother's life was full, but full of disease. We really enjoyed time together.

You are so lovely. A great kiss for you

Bala said...

Thats a lot of pavlovas!!! Great job and thanks for the encouragement. now I have to try the 'real' Down under version ;)


GourmAndrea said...

You never cease to me amaze me each month your creativity knows no bounds!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Audax! I used your Australian pavlova recipe and changed it up a bit. I posted it on my blog. I hope you don't mind. I just wanted to say thanks again for giving us that recipe! If you are interested you can find the post here:

Jenny said...

Thanks for stopping by and for the advice, Audax! I can't wait to try your recipe for classic Aussie pav... I can practically taste that lovely marshmallow-y texture when I look at your gorgeous photos. Terrific work on the challenge as always!

soyena said...

I know you must be tired of hearing this but you are sooo creative daring and inspirational! Like everyone, I am awed by your meringue roll. On the other hand, I've always wondered how many family members do you live with cus you keep making all those variations and ... how do you keep your weight?
And thanks for dropping by my blog ^-^

Julie said...

Audax, as always your renditions of the challenge recipe are jaw-droppingly beautiful. I've never made a traditional Australian pavlova, so I was fascinated to see that you used a springform pan to shape it.

Sirius73 said...

Like your different versions. Thanks for your support and kind comments! :-)

EMS said...

I'm inspired to try your Australian version. Looks divine!

Umm Mymoonah said...

OMG! All your pavlovas looks amazing, you are a very good baker.

Maggie said...

I love your little fruit flavored ones! They are such pretty colors and sound delicious!

Delighted said...

Ooooooh, thanks for including the down-under recipe for Pavlova! It did seem weird to me that the DB 'Pavlova" shell was apparently supposed to come out crunchy. Yours looks so yummy!

Natalie said...


Thank you so much for your lovely comment.
It's a great feeling when you've been trying and trying all kinds of
recipes and none of them work as you hope and then you finally try
another one and it's the one. :)

I also wanted to thank you for being such an inspiration. You always
have something up your sleeve and never cease to amaze.

Thank you,

Mjosé said...

All the recipes looks delicious.
This month I couldn't made the challenge.
I´ll try to make it. Out of time.
Always the challenge are very interesting.
Saludos :)

sunita said...

What a whole lot of variations of the recipe; you never cease to amaze me :-)

Jeanne said...

I just love the pavlova roll, I'll have to give that one a try! Stunning job on all the variations, the colored pavlovas are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to try out the fruit pavlovas -- thanks for the inspiration of the fruit teas!

lo81 said...

Hi Audax!Your ideas are really original!I particularly like your fruit flavored meringues! A great job!

astheroshe said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog..:0 I love all your variations. MY WORD! There are so many!!! Looking foward to JULY!

Jane said...

Great tutorial! Learned a lot. Thank you. And it goes without saying that all your efforts were outstanding!

nikki said...

Love your classic Australian pavlova! Oh, and the strawberry fig one looks equally delicious and the chocolate roll and...

Anonymous said...

Your pavlovas look amazing. And thanks for the classic recipe! I might sneak it in at my 4th of July BBQ this weekend since decorated with strawberries and blueberries make it look patriotic. No one will know it's not exactly American. Ha!

Maria Beatrix said...

Excelent job, as always. I liked most the pink and yellow ones. You'd wrote you used powdered fruits. What did you mean? Those powders to make juice or had you dehydrated the fruits?

Eat the Love said...

As always, you amaze me Audax!

Next time I'm going to make a big pavlova and slice into it to get that soft billowy inside like your last one!

Also the individual colored ones are SO inspiring! I'm going to remember that in the future for a dinner party...

Jessie said...

Everything looks lovely! The roll looks especially delicious and I think I will be trying it soon!

Lisa said...

Aud..ALL of your pavlovas are spectacular but I'm especially in love with the pavlova roll and was thinking of going in that direction had I not left it until the last minute. That said..I cannot thank you enough for that recipe and the hints and tips. It truly is perfection and mthose pavlovas were gone wayyy before the chocolate ones! You are the best!!

Julie @ Willow Bird Baking said...

Mmm so many wonderful variations! Can't wait to try an Australian pavlova!

We actually call these meringues here in the U.S., too, but they must be called pavlovas sometimes as well, I guess.

Maria Beatrix said...

Thank you very much for your kind words on my blog and for your answer to my question

juliana alonso dorola said...

amaizing creations, as always!

Mallini said...

Hey, thanks for dropping by to check out my pavlova! Yours look fantastic and sound really yummy too! Cheers, from Mallini in Malaysia.

Kris Ngoei said...

Love all your versions of pavlova... I just learnt that there is such dessert as roll pavlova.. and your mini colourful pavlova is the most cutest in DB!

Sawadee from Bangkok,

Unknown said...

I always await your posts excitedly!! So informative. Thank you for an amazing post :)

Simones Kitchen said...

Wow! All of those look absolutely amazing! You've outdone yourself.... again!

Ago said...

Audax I LOVE your beautiful job on every challenge, but this time...OMG!!! <3 <3 <3
First of all, i love your roll and, that's sure, I'll try it very soon, the little coloured pavlovas so deliate and beautiful with the white chocolate mousse and at the last, the Great Pavlova...a true Pavlova!!! Wonderfullll!!!! :-D

But Today is your Birthdayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Happy birthday to you ♭♬ ♩ ♭♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♩ happy birthday to you ♪ ♩♫ ♬ ♩ ♩♫ happy birthday dear Audax ♩♫ ♬ ♩ ♩♫ ♬ happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!! ♪ ♫ ♬♩♩♫ ♬♩♫ ♬ ♩ ♭♬ ♩

Kisses From Italy

Ago :-D

LC said...

Must try your pavs, they look gorgeous (have a recipe from nz but the result don't look like yours). The last photo on my blogg was taken by Herbert, my little sister, she's better than me on foodphotos :)
I think it's really wonderful that you've written down a real pav!
Cheers from LC in Sweden

Eat4Fun said...

The roll, the rounds and the Aussue Pavlova look delicious! As always great work!

Suz said...

As usual, I'm having a tough time picking a favourite, but I think the traditional pavlova. I'm going to bookmark this blog post so I can have a go at making it myself. It looks beautiful! Great job with the mini fruit pavs too & the chocolate roll. Brilliant!

Sue said...

It ALL looks stunning, lovely and delicious!!!

Jayari said...

Wow & Wow audax, as always you were the first to finish I suppose, loved all the versions, but the fruit ones (esp strawberry & passion fruit!) they are great!!, planning to make this this saturday!, came to ur blog to see all the tips!!, great clicks too!!

Delishhh said...

As usual you just did it again, i love stopping by to see what you have come up with. Keep it up!

Marisa said...

Thanks for the great informative post on the difference between pavlova & meringue - never knew!

The Australian pavlova sounds delicious with that soft marshmallow-y interior.

Anonymous said...

I followed the recipe but used a Swiss (jelly) roll pan to make the pavlova, to make a roll just bake for about an hour that way the meringue is set but no crust is formed so you can roll it easily with the mascarpone cream and mousse filling.